A Historical Study on the Value Orientation of the Sport Policy of the Fifth Government of Korea 인문,사회과학편 : 제5공화국의 스포츠정책의 가치 지향에 관한 역사적 고찰
45(2) 1-11, 2006
A Historical Study on the Value Orientation of the Sport Policy of the Fifth Government of Korea 인문,사회과학편 : 제5공화국의 스포츠정책의 가치 지향에 관한 역사적 고찰
The purpose of this paper is to point out the value orientation of the sport policy of the Fifth Government of the Republic of Korea, and to explore what impact it had on the development of Korean sport. The historical evaluation about the sport policy is not alike the general evaluation of the policy studies, so it is need to rely on the sound historical consciousness and to evaluate the value orientation of sport policy on the ground of the historical facts. The result of this study are as follow :(1) the Fifth Government of the Republic of Korea was a authoritarian regime, so that government suffered from weak legitimacy and low popular support. Consequently, the government's goal was to obtain political legitimacy. (2) the Fifth Government of the Republic of Korea raised the phase of sport policy to sustain political power and to make people comply with its rule. (3) the Fifth Government of the Republic of Korea did its best in preparing the successful hosting '86 Asian Games and '88 Seoul Olympic Games to bring about national integration and world-wide attention.
Key Words
sport policy, value orientation of sport policy
The Physical Educational Understanding on the Meaning of Health 인문,사회과학편 : 건강의 의미에 관한 체육학적 이해
45(2) 13-21, 2006
The Physical Educational Understanding on the Meaning of Health 인문,사회과학편 : 건강의 의미에 관한 체육학적 이해
In the traditional culture, life was considered a tendency to conserve and to survive. Health used to mean the ability to walk up stairs without any problem, or the ability to do one's job. In the traditional definitions of health, a healthy organism is one that is adapted to the normal requirements of the life situation. It is in equilibrium with the environment and is capable of ordered behavior, so that it can respond by appropriate reactions. However, modern man or woman considers life as a tendency to expand, has a more dynamic relationship with his/her umwelt, and feels in good health when he/she can explore new environments, exhibit creative and bold generosity, and respond to new and higher demands. In modern society, sport is generally used to imply a relationship between physical fitness and health. In this sense, the underlying assumption is that participation in sport necessarily leads to the attainment and sustenance of health and physical fitness. In this sense, bodily health is often represented by the "athletic body." This body is not merely healthy, it also functions as a social symbol of a healthy existence.
Key Words
health, healthy organism, physical fitness, dynamic, athletic body
An hometown Loss and recovery of sport 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠의 고향상실과 회복
45(2) 23-31, 2006
An hometown Loss and recovery of sport 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠의 고향상실과 회복
The purpose of this study seek to recovery hometown of contemporary sport. To realize this study, I use heimat(hometown) concept of philosopher Heidegger presented in literature ‘sein und zeit'(1927). According to Heidegger philosophy, Dasein(Human being) seek to hometown for happy life and ideal living. In this context, Sport has been lose hometown. because of losing essence factors in sport itself. It is said that sport essence which we forget in the sport world. So that, I suggest that a solution method of sport problem can search for hometown recovery of sport itself. In order to solves this problem, I seek to meaning on what is hometown in sport. It mean that hometown of sport is sport essence. The cause of hometown loss of sport is commercialism, seeking over record, excessive entertainment and so on. In order to overcome this, I suggest that hometown of sport is playing, nature, ethics of sport. The hometown of sports is playing, nature, ethics in sport. therefor we will seek to playing, nature, ethics in sport for sport development and human being happy. In addition, we need to realize that hometown of sport is discovery of sport essence in sport world.
Key Words
hometown, ethics, nature, playing
A Study on the Voluntary Reparticipation Intention of Sport Event Volunteer 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠이벤트 자원봉사 재참가의사에 관한 연구
강호정HoJungKang , 김경식KyongSikKim
45(2) 33-45, 2006
A Study on the Voluntary Reparticipation Intention of Sport Event Volunteer 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠이벤트 자원봉사 재참가의사에 관한 연구
강호정HoJungKang , 김경식KyongSikKim
This study was to examine the reparticipation intention of sport event volunteer. To attain the goal of the study described above paragraphs, volunteer participated in DaeGoo, 2003 year were set as a collected group. Then, random sampling method, finally drew out and analyzed 719 people in total. The conclusion based on above study method and the result of material analysis are here below. First, the individual characteristics influences on motive, appropriateness and correspondence's satisfaction of activities, social responsibility and voluntary reparticipation. Second, motive of sport event influences on the appropriateness and correspondence's satisfaction of activities, social responsibility and voluntary reparticipation. Third, the appropriateness and correspondence's satisfaction of activities, social responsibility influences on voluntary reparticipation. Fourth, the motive, appropriateness and correspondence's satisfaction of activities, social responsibility directly, indirectly influences on the voluntary reparticipation.
Key Words
sport event volunteer, social responsibility, satisfaction, reparticipation intention
The Effect of Participation in Sports Activity on Social Support of Students with Physical Disabilities 인문,사회과학편 : 지체장애학생의 스포츠활동이 사회적 지지에 미치는 영향
45(2) 47-54, 2006
The Effect of Participation in Sports Activity on Social Support of Students with Physical Disabilities 인문,사회과학편 : 지체장애학생의 스포츠활동이 사회적 지지에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of social support on participation of sports activity among students with physical disabilities . Total of 120 students with physical disabilities in Seoul city participated in this study. Among these subjects, 78 students participated in sports activity, but 42 students didn't participated. The following scale and statistical method were used for the purpose of this study. ⑴ Social support scale made by Harter(1990) (2) The method of statistic used to analyze the collected data was analysis of ANOVA and T-test. The results were as follows: 1. There was significant difference in social support between exercise participated students and exercise non-participated students statistically. 2. There was not significant difference in the friend support, parent support, teacher support as a function of participation in sports activity. But all the factors were higher participation in sports activity group than didn't participated in average score. The findings suggested that those with social support may be more likely to have a participation with sports activity in students with physical disabilities . Thus, it is necessary to assess their social support network in the context of their family, as this is a factor strongly linked to their growth of ANOVA and T-test.
Key Words
students with physical disabilities, sports activity, social support
Factors and perceived intensity of stress among High school Football Players 인문,사회과학편 : 고등학교 축구선수의 스트레스 자각강도
윤영길YoungKilYun , 이성철SungChulLee
45(2) 55-64, 2006
Factors and perceived intensity of stress among High school Football Players 인문,사회과학편 : 고등학교 축구선수의 스트레스 자각강도
윤영길YoungKilYun , 이성철SungChulLee
This study was to explore the intensity of stress in high school football players. Participants were 903 high school male football players registered in the Korea Football Association (KFA). In order to develop initial stress items, 164 high school football players responded to an open-ended questionnaire regarding stress situations as a football player. Inductive content analysis of the responses resulted in 946 cases of stress situations for high school players. The results of the Exploratory factor analysis showed 5 factors; senior, private life, competition, coachability, and career concern and 18 items. Confirmatory factor analysis index illustrated fitness of structure. For the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 78 high school football players completed the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Questionnaire. The self-awaken intensity of stress were calculated. Intensity of Stress shows as follows; errand by a senior, training at dawn, coach's scold, senior's violation, bothering by a senior, long period camp training, unfair referee, loose of confidence, coach's discrimination, conflict with parent about a course, loss of a game, coach's punishment, coach's disregard, time off, slump, other's expectation, senior's blackmail, and limitation of individual life in order.
A Survey of the Sports Professionals` Consciousness on the Restructing of National Sports Organizations 인문,사회과학편 : 체육단체 구조조정에 대한 체육전문 인력 의식 조사
45(2) 65-75, 2006
A Survey of the Sports Professionals` Consciousness on the Restructing of National Sports Organizations 인문,사회과학편 : 체육단체 구조조정에 대한 체육전문 인력 의식 조사
The discussion of sports organizational restructing is raised as a hot issue of sports field, today. The main objective of the present study was to solve the problems of sports organizational restructing which has continued since 2000. 254 sports professionals were selected through Korea Sports Council(KSC) and The National Council of Sport For All(NACOSA) using the questionnaire based on previous study(The Korea Institute of Public Adminstration, 2003). Meaningful results and suggestions are followings; 1. Professionals consider a severance between KSC and NACOSA as the most serious barrier on the whole. 2. Professionals demand unification of KSC and NACOSA, and seperation of KOC from KSC on the whole. 3. Therefore the law on unification of KSC and NACOSA, giving a corporate body to KOC, and establishing sports organizational restructing committee must be revised.
An Examination of the Factor Structure of the Leisure Attitude Scale with Sports-Leisure Participants 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠형 여가활동 참여자의 여가태도척도(LAS) 요인구조 검증
이문진MunJinLee , 김미량MiLyangKim , 김동진DongJinKim
45(2) 77-86, 2006
An Examination of the Factor Structure of the Leisure Attitude Scale with Sports-Leisure Participants 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠형 여가활동 참여자의 여가태도척도(LAS) 요인구조 검증
이문진MunJinLee , 김미량MiLyangKim , 김동진DongJinKim
The purpose of this study was to examine the 3-factor, 36-item Leisure Attitude Scale(LAS)(Ragheb & Beard, 1982). Confirmatory factor analysis(CFA) was used to test the structural reliability of 3-factor LAS with data from 412 undergraduate students who participate in sports leisure activities. The sample was selected by purposeful sampling method. The results of the CFA test, 3-factor LAS were not statically fit. Therefore, revisions to the instrument were required. Exploratory factor analysis(EFA) was used to find an alternative structure model. 4 factors were observed(cognitive, affective, behavioral and intentional). The significant change between the 3-factor structure and the 4-factor structure was that intentional factor was separated from the behavioral factor. After item elimination using modification indices, 4-factor LAS was shown to provide stronger fit indices than 3-factor LAS. The resultant 4-factor LAS was considered to be a stronger measure of leisure attitude than 3-factor LAS.
The effect of commitment toward the professional sport team web-site on the team-Loyalty, social trust, and identity of the Local community 인문,사회과학편 : 프로스포츠 웹사이트 몰입과 팀 충성도, 사회신뢰 그리고 지역사회 정체성의 관계
45(2) 87-99, 2006
The effect of commitment toward the professional sport team web-site on the team-Loyalty, social trust, and identity of the Local community 인문,사회과학편 : 프로스포츠 웹사이트 몰입과 팀 충성도, 사회신뢰 그리고 지역사회 정체성의 관계
This study was to analyze the effect of commitment toward the professional sport team web-site on the team-loyalty, social trust and identity of the local community. To get the best result of this study assigned the visitors of those web-site as population, and a questionnaire to main page Korea Baseball Organization web-site., Korean Professional Football League web-site. The subjects were questionnaire was 946. Reliability analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regressions, SEM were used as statistic analysis techniques. On the basis of the results, the conclusions were as follows; First, there was a significant influence between commitment and team-loyalty. Second, there was a significant influence between commitment and identity of the local community. Third, there was a significant influence between team-loyalty and social trust. Fourth, there was a significant influence between team-loyalty and identity of the local community. Fifth, there was a significant influence between social trust and identity of the local community.
Key Words
commitment, team-Loyalty, social trust, Local identity
The Relationships between Professional Consciousness of Sports Organization Members, Their Identification with Organization and Power of Organization 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 조직구성원의 직업의식과 조직동일시 및 조직역량의 관계
김정묵JungMukKim , 정동군TongKunChung
45(2) 101-112, 2006
The Relationships between Professional Consciousness of Sports Organization Members, Their Identification with Organization and Power of Organization 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 조직구성원의 직업의식과 조직동일시 및 조직역량의 관계
김정묵JungMukKim , 정동군TongKunChung
The purpose of this study is to explore relationships between professional consciousness of sports organization members and their identification with organizations and power of organizations. The research population consisted of administrative personnel and officials working for athletic related organizations located in Seoul and Gyeonggi-region in 2004. The measure professional consciousness, the questionnaire, which Kim Youngyeong(2003) used on, For measurement of the members' identification with organization, the questionnaire, which Choi Byeongkwon(2000) used on. To measure the power of organization, The questionnaire, which Shin Dongryong(2002) used on. First, professional consciousness of sports organization members has a static effect on identification with their organizations and the power of their organizations. Second, power of organizations are higher as recognition of professionalism and desire for constant service are stronger. Third, sports organization members' identification with their organizations has a static effect on the power of organizations.
The Influence of Factors Related to Consumption Behavior of Professional Basketball Fan on Team Royalty 인문,사회과학편 : 프로농구 팬의 소비행동 결정요인이 팀 충성도에 미치는 영향
박상일SangIlPark , 김상유SangYooKim
45(2) 113-123, 2006
The Influence of Factors Related to Consumption Behavior of Professional Basketball Fan on Team Royalty 인문,사회과학편 : 프로농구 팬의 소비행동 결정요인이 팀 충성도에 미치는 영향
박상일SangIlPark , 김상유SangYooKim
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of factors related to consumption behavior of professional basketball home spectators on intention of revisiting the game to activate professional sports. Namely, this study was to present basic data which can utilize in marketing strategy for team by examining effects of team royalty. 1291 data were collected in this study except data which didn't or trustless respond. Data was collected through questionnaires. Data was analyzed through SPSS 12.0 Version and AMOS 5.0. frequency analysis, multiple regression analysis, and path analysis was performed. The results of this study based on this procedures and method are as follows. In analysis on effects of game spectator decision factor on sports fan behavior, behavioral royalty, and attitudinal royalty, stadium factor had positive effect on spectation duration factor, spectation satisfaction factor, and behavioral royalty. Team factor had positive effect on team support, spectation duration factor, spectation satisfaction factor, behavioral royalty, and attitudinal royalty. Service factor had positive effect on spectation duration factor, team support, satisfaction factor, and attitudinal royalty. Mediating variable team support factor had positive effect on behavioral royalty, and attitudinal royalty and spectation duration factor had positive effect on behavioral royalty, and attitudinal royalty.
Key Words
consumption behavior, team royalty
The Effects of Taekwando Speciality,Aptitude Educational Activity on Physical Self-Description and Continuous Participation Intention of Middle School Students 인문,사회과학편 : 중학생의 태권도 특기,적성교육활동경험이 신체적 자기개념 및 지속적 참여의지에 미치는 영향
45(2) 125-135, 2006
The Effects of Taekwando Speciality,Aptitude Educational Activity on Physical Self-Description and Continuous Participation Intention of Middle School Students 인문,사회과학편 : 중학생의 태권도 특기,적성교육활동경험이 신체적 자기개념 및 지속적 참여의지에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Taekwando specialityaptitude educational activity on Physical Self-Description and continuous participation intention in middle school students. From the analyses of the data, the study has reached the following conclusions: First, physical self-description is partially different by Taekwando preferance and ability level among subfactors of specialityaptitude educational activity. Second, continuous participation intentions different by Taekwando preferance and ability level among subfactors of specialityaptitude educational activity. Third, continuous participation intention is influence on physical self-description.
Key Words
Taekwando speciality,aptitude educational activity, physical self-description, continuous participation intention, middle school students
The study of management plan for the actual condition of Local physical-facilities and the user satisfaction 인문,사회과학편 : 지역별 체육시설 실태 및 수요자 만족을 위한 운영방안에 관한 연구
45(2) 137-150, 2006
The study of management plan for the actual condition of Local physical-facilities and the user satisfaction 인문,사회과학편 : 지역별 체육시설 실태 및 수요자 만족을 위한 운영방안에 관한 연구
AIf the quality of the people's life is improved and the 5days work a week is totally practiced, it is predicted that the demand of leisure acitvity will continually bring the various increases. However, over the long haul, it has a big posibility to become a regional activity. Therefore, Analizing the regional differences of sports facilities, the primary factor hindering youth's sports activities, and the degree of importance and satisfaction about sports acitvities, in the angle of youth as a customer, we sought for the management plan to raise the degree of utilizing satisfaction. As a result of this study, showing in youth's totally 5days class a week, sports facilities which the local youth can use have to be expanded and improved to encourage youth's sports activities, educate the professional leaders who have a great deal of interest and ability, and who can satisfy the youth's various wants, and because of the gap from the program given to youth and youth's favorite sports events, custom-made sports programs for customers will have to be developed and operated.
Key Words
Life physical education, physical education facilities, youth, 5 days work a week
The Relationships among Intrinsic Motivation, Class Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction in Women University Students Participating Squash 인문,사회과학편 : 여대 교양스쿼시 수업 수강생의 내적동기와 수업만족 및 생활만족의 관계
45(2) 151-158, 2006
The Relationships among Intrinsic Motivation, Class Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction in Women University Students Participating Squash 인문,사회과학편 : 여대 교양스쿼시 수업 수강생의 내적동기와 수업만족 및 생활만족의 관계
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships among intrinsic motivation, class satisfaction and life satisfaction in women university students participating squash. The subjects of this study were 117 students who participating squash in A women university. The instruments used 'Intrinsic Morivation Inventory(IMI)' developed by McAuley, Duncan, & Tammen(1989), 'Leisure Satisfaction Scale(LSS)' developed by Ragheb & Beard(1980), 'The Satisfaction With Life Scale(SWLS)' developed by Diener, Emmonson, Larsen, & Criffin(1985). The SPSS 11.0 version for windows were used to perform Cronbach's α, descriptive statistics and standard multiple regression analysis. From the analysis of the data, the following conclusions of the study were obtained. First, intrinsic motivation of students participating squash class influenced on the class satisfaction partly. That means, fun-effort factor influenced on psychological, physical, environmental, educational, social satisfaction factors. Second, the life satisfaction was partly influenced by intrinsic motivation of squash participants. Third, the life satisfaction was partly influenced by class satisfaction for students participating squash class. That means, environmental, educational, psychological factor influenced on life satisfaction.
Key Words
intrinsic motivation, class satisfaction, Life satisfaction, squash
The Relationships among Sport Participation, Body-Esteem and Self-Esteem in Adolescence 인문,사회과학편 : 청소년의 스포츠참여와 신체적 자긍심 및 자아존중감의 인과관계
이제행JeHaengLee , 김현식HyunSikKim
45(2) 159-166, 2006
The Relationships among Sport Participation, Body-Esteem and Self-Esteem in Adolescence 인문,사회과학편 : 청소년의 스포츠참여와 신체적 자긍심 및 자아존중감의 인과관계
이제행JeHaengLee , 김현식HyunSikKim
The purpose of this study was to identify the causal relationships among sport participation, body-esteem and self-esteem in adolescence. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire in which body-esteem as identified by Mendelson, White & Mendelson(1996) and amended and supplemented by Park, Kim and Song(1999) and self-esteem as identified by Choi and Chun(1993). 400 subjected were selected from several secondary schools in Seoul and Kyonggi by the cluster sampling method. Among these selected subject, 314 responded, and data analyses consisted of employing descriptive statistics, correlation and covariance structure analysis using SPSS/PC+ 11.0 and AMOS 4.0. The following results were obtained: The relationships among sport participation, body-esteem and self-esteem in adolescence were the causal relation. First, sport participation statistically and significantly influences body-esteem of adolescence. Second, Body-esteem statistically and significantly influences self-esteem of adolescence.
Key Words
body-esteem self-esteem, adolescence
The Effect of the Environment-friendly Service Quality of the Golf Resort on Visitor`s Image, Satisfaction, Word-of-mouth Intentions and the Revisit 인문,사회과학편 : 골프장 친환경 서비스품질이 여행객 이미지, 만족도, 구전의도, 재방문에 미치는 영향
임우택WooTaekLim , 김학신HakShinKim
45(2) 167-176, 2006
The Effect of the Environment-friendly Service Quality of the Golf Resort on Visitor`s Image, Satisfaction, Word-of-mouth Intentions and the Revisit 인문,사회과학편 : 골프장 친환경 서비스품질이 여행객 이미지, 만족도, 구전의도, 재방문에 미치는 영향
임우택WooTaekLim , 김학신HakShinKim
This study attempted to investigate the effect of travelers’ image of the environment-friendly service quality on their satisfaction, word-of-mouth intentions and the intention to revisit. As a result First, it was found that the male travelers evaluated the environment-friendly course and lodging facilities higher than the male counterparts in relation to the environment-friendly service quality of the golf resort. And it was found that the travelers above their 50s of age evaluated environment-friendly subsidiary facilities and that the travel of low or high educational level evaluated the environment-friendly course higher than anything else. And it was found that the travelers with the monthly income of 3/000/000~4/000/(X)0won evaluated environment-friendly F&B facilities and subsidiary facilities than any other income group. Second, it was found that the environment-friendly lodging facility, F&B facility and enployee of the golf resort had a positive effect on travelers' image, which had a significant effect on their word-of-mouth intentions and the intention to revisit.
Key Words
environment-friendly service quality, consumers` image, satisfaction, word-of-mouth intention, revisit
A Plan of Unified Survey for A National Survey on Physical Activity Participation and Physical Fitness in Korea 인문,사회과학편 : 국민생활체육활동참여조사 및 국민체력조사의 통합조사 방안
A Plan of Unified Survey for A National Survey on Physical Activity Participation and Physical Fitness in Korea 인문,사회과학편 : 국민생활체육활동참여조사 및 국민체력조사의 통합조사 방안
The purpose of this study was to establish a comprehensive plan of an for "Physical Activity Participation and Physical Fitness in Korea". The study investigated material regarding national unit sports at home and abroad, physical fitness and health, etc, and it conducted depth interview with staffs and held a meeting of advisers three times. The findings were as follows: Firstly, the purpose of the integrated research was to investigate people's participation in physical activity, people's physical fitness and health levels to set priority and objectives of national sports policy. Secondly, the research on each area was divided into a research on people's physical activity and a research on actual conditions of people's physical fitness. Thirdly, the subjects were all of 7 years to 75 years old members of common households in the nation based on national census. Fourthly, a research on people's life sports additionally included items such as medical checkup, school sport, and ability to live ordinary life for the elderly. Fifthly, the Korea Institute of Sport Science was selected to conduct an integrated research. Lastly, the research institute was demanded to establish a committee of research of each area and to prepare for researches.
Key Words
sample scale, sample scope, survey cost, contents of questionnaire, national sport participation survey
The Relationship between Leisure Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction on Park Golf Participation in Old 인문,사회과학편 : 노인의 파크골프 참여에 따른 여가만족과 생활만족과의 관계
심창섭ChangSubShim , 허진영JinYoungHuh
45(2) 189-196, 2006
The Relationship between Leisure Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction on Park Golf Participation in Old 인문,사회과학편 : 노인의 파크골프 참여에 따른 여가만족과 생활만족과의 관계
심창섭ChangSubShim , 허진영JinYoungHuh
The purpose of this study was to examine the leisure satisfaction and life satisfaction on park golf participation in old. korea park golf association was established in 2003 and opened 9 holes course at the terrace land on the han river. Survey was performed from 152 players with physical leisure activities. The question items for measuring the leisure satisfaction base on the 5point Likert Scale questionnaire adjusted for this research was recreation by Won(1994), for the life satisfaction questionnaire recreation by Lee(1992). Frequency analysis, correlation relation analysis, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis for data analysis were performed. Following conclusions has been drew from results after analyzing data based on the hypothesis. 1. There was no difference in watching incentive, leisure satisfaction/ life satisfaction according to individual characteristics(education level, income, participation the frequency, participation reason, participation result). 2. There is a participant's leisure satisfaction with life satisfaction as for related each other. 3. The leisure satisfaction have an effect on life satisfaction.
Key Words
park golf, Leisure satisfaction, Life satisfaction
An analysis an activity duration intention of the University ski circle manias 인문,사회과학편 : 대학 스키동아리 매니아들의 운동지속의도 분석
45(2) 197-205, 2006
An analysis an activity duration intention of the University ski circle manias 인문,사회과학편 : 대학 스키동아리 매니아들의 운동지속의도 분석
The purpose of this study was to examine to compare the three theories TRA, TPB, MTCRA for predicting participant intentions to ski activities among University Students' ski manias. It was hypothesized that intentions to participate ski activities can be predicted from attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, group confirmity pressure, and face saving. University Students' manias(n=194) completed a battery of questionnaires that was described as dealing with the respondent's views regarding participation in a variety of ski activities. The results of multiple regression analyses indicated that attitude toward the ski activity, perceived behavioral control significantly predicted intention to ski activity participation. The results of multiple regression analysis indicated that subjective norm, group confirmity pressure and face saving was not significant to the prediction of intention to ski activities in the TRA, TPB and MTCRA model.that are based on age and sex effect combinations from adults provide more accurate estimates.
Key Words
The Analysis on the Causal Model of Workers` Leisure Activity, Empowerment and Organizational Effectiveness in Aged Social Work Institution 인문,사회과학편 : 노인복지시설 종사자의 여가활동, 임파워먼트, 조직유효성의 인과모형
45(2) 207-217, 2006
The Analysis on the Causal Model of Workers` Leisure Activity, Empowerment and Organizational Effectiveness in Aged Social Work Institution 인문,사회과학편 : 노인복지시설 종사자의 여가활동, 임파워먼트, 조직유효성의 인과모형
The purpose of this study is to examine the causal model of social workers' leisure, empowerment and organizational effectiveness in aged institution and this study tries to confrontation an aging society. Furthermore, this study explores practical implications for efficient management of institutions. Through investigating and analyzing 304 social workers, who are currently employed by aged institutions, and SPSS and Amos statistical software were used to analyze data, the followings have been found: The conclusion that resulted from data analysis were as follows: First, there was significant positive correlation among social worker's leisure activity, empowerment and organizational effectiveness. Second, covariance structural analysis showed that the causal relationship among social worker's leisure activity, empowerment and organizational effectiveness was significant. And social worker's leisure activity has an indirect effect through empowerment, empowerment factor for organizational effectiveness.
Key Words
Leisure, empowerment, organizational effecitveness, SEM
The Development of Learning Motivation Scale in Physical Education for Junior High School Students and Its Validation 인문,사회과학편 : 중학생의 체육학습 의욕 척도개발 및 타당화
손정욱JeongWookSon , 김기학KiHackKim , 이진훈JinHunLee
45(2) 219-229, 2006
The Development of Learning Motivation Scale in Physical Education for Junior High School Students and Its Validation 인문,사회과학편 : 중학생의 체육학습 의욕 척도개발 및 타당화
손정욱JeongWookSon , 김기학KiHackKim , 이진훈JinHunLee
This study attempted to develope learning motivation scale in Physical Education for junior high school students. One thousand and two hundred fourteen junior high school students in Daegu took reliability and validation test. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted to search the factor solutions of learning motivation in Physical Education and confirmatory factor analysis was to verify the conceptual validation. The results were as follows. Item analysis consisted of reliability about each factor. Exploratory factor analysis selected 6 factors and 36 items about Learning Motivation Scale. The results of confirmatory factor analysis With the 36 item chosen for exploratory factor analysis and Learning Motivation Scale consisted of 6 factors and 30 items(Learning attitude and method factor, Failure anxiety, Competence of motor ability, Effort, Value of learning, Strain). The results of confirmatory factor and index values of good of fit were rated as good.
The Relationship Between Trust and Image in Coach according to Sports Type 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 유형에 따른 지도자 신뢰와 이미지의 관계
45(2) 231-240, 2006
The Relationship Between Trust and Image in Coach according to Sports Type 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 유형에 따른 지도자 신뢰와 이미지의 관계
The purpose of this study was to empirically examine the relationship between trust and image in coach according to sports type. In order to achieve this purpose, 482 subjects were selected by the stratified cluster random sampling method among elite sport athletes. (e.g., wrestling, boxing, judo, taekwondo, swimming, shooting, weight lifting, track & filed, gymnastics, basketball, baseball, water polo, hockey, handball). Although 482 participants responded, only 460 were used for data analyses because 22 were considered to be incompletely or incorrectly responded to. The survey questionnaires were 1) the questionnaire for coach trust developed by Clark & Payne(1997) and standardized in the Korean language by Lee(1999); and 2) coach image questionnaire development by Dowling(1986) and standardized in the Korean language by Park(2000). The statistical methods utilized in the study for analyzing the collected data were reliability analysis, factor analysis, descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and standard multiple regression analysis, and from the results of this study, the following conclusions were drawn: First, coach trust aren't different by sports type. Second, coach image are partially different by sports type. Third, coach trust influences coach image.that are based on age and sex effect combinations from adults provide more accurate estimates.
Key Words
trust, image, sport type
Structural Equation Modeling Analysis of Teaching Behavior, Intrinsic Motivation and Class Satisfaction 인문,사회과학편 : 체육교사의 교수행동과 중학생의 내적동기, 수업만족 간의 관계모형 분석
류민정MinJeongLyu , 표내숙NaeSookPyo
45(2) 241-249, 2006
Structural Equation Modeling Analysis of Teaching Behavior, Intrinsic Motivation and Class Satisfaction 인문,사회과학편 : 체육교사의 교수행동과 중학생의 내적동기, 수업만족 간의 관계모형 분석
류민정MinJeongLyu , 표내숙NaeSookPyo
The purpose of this study was to investigate teacher's behaviors that students perceived, physical intrinsic motivation and class satisfaction. Also it was producted to examine how three variables are related and to make the proper SEM(Structural Equation Model). In middle school 608 students were participated to complete three modified questionnaires for this study's data. As analysis methods, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, and SEM were used. The factors of teaching behavior were guidanceencouragement and controldischarge. The sub-variables of motivation were interesteffort, anxietytension, and competence. As results of model analysis, teaching behavior influences motivation and class satisfaction. Motivation also influence class satisfaction.
Key Words
teaching behavior, motivation, class satisfaction, SEM
An Analysis of Physical Education Attitude Among Korean High School Students 인문,사회과학편 : 고등학생의 체육교과태도 분석
45(2) 251-266, 2006
An Analysis of Physical Education Attitude Among Korean High School Students 인문,사회과학편 : 고등학생의 체육교과태도 분석
The aims of this study were to identify the conceptual construct of physical education attitude of Korean high students. A tentative construct of attitude in physical education was identified by analyzing high school students' statements on physical education inductively. For this aim, an open-ended question were drew up according to th perspective of attitude multi-dimension. The subjects chosen for this study were 456 students at three type high schools, which belonged to one of several local education authorities the jurisdiction of Incheon, Korea. The 2833 statements were examined with care in the expert discussion in order to establish grouping of statements according to the theoretical framework of attitude As a result, an 8-dimension physical education attitude construct was developed by analyzing high school students' statements on physical education. The 8-dimensional factors are 1) health and physical fitness, 2) teaching-learning and achievement, 3) social bound, 4) negative emotion, 5) sport culture, 6) physical activity and movement, 7) psychological welling and spirit temper, 8) talent and ability. in addition, the findings suggest that a pluralistic perspective be considered in designing curriculum, and make students' conceptions of attitude toward physical education sophisticated and differentiated.
Key Words
physical education attitude, attitude construct, characteristic of Korean culture
Economic Impact Analysis of the Professional Baseball Industry in Korea by Using Input-Output Analysis 인문,사회과학편 : 산업연관분석을 이용한 한국프로야구산업의 경제적 파급효과 분석
유의동EuiDongYoo , 김상호SangHoKim
45(2) 267-277, 2006
Economic Impact Analysis of the Professional Baseball Industry in Korea by Using Input-Output Analysis 인문,사회과학편 : 산업연관분석을 이용한 한국프로야구산업의 경제적 파급효과 분석
유의동EuiDongYoo , 김상호SangHoKim
The purpose of this study was to measure the economic impacts of the professional baseball industry in Korea by using the Input-Output analysis. Based on the Input-Output table by the Bank of Korea in 2000 (Bank of Korea, 2003), all expenses related to the Korean professional baseball industry were re-categorized. The expenditures include two parts: baseball clubs' and spectators'. Financial statements of seven clubs were used to analyze of the expenditure in baseball clubs, and survey was conducted to collect data for the expenditure in spectators (n=1,052). The expenditure in baseball clubs in 2003 was approximately 164 billion won and the expenditure in spectators was about 42 billion won. As the results of estimated economic impacts of the Korean professional baseball industry based on these data, the production inducing effect was approximately 405 billion won, the valued-added inducing effect was 17.8 billion won, and the employment inducing effect was 4,457 persons. These economic effects were higher than the average effects of whole industries in Korea. These results mean that the Korean professional baseball industry is a investable business for team owners as well as local governments.
Key Words
professional baseball industry, input-output analysis, production inducing effect, value added inducing effect, employment inducing effect
The Relationships Among Visitors` Expectation and Satisfaction of the Ski Resort`s Service Quality, Service Values, and Behavioral Intentions 인문,사회과학편 : 스키리조트 서비스품질 기대치, 만족도, 서비스가치, 행동의도에 관한 연구
45(2) 279-289, 2006
The Relationships Among Visitors` Expectation and Satisfaction of the Ski Resort`s Service Quality, Service Values, and Behavioral Intentions 인문,사회과학편 : 스키리조트 서비스품질 기대치, 만족도, 서비스가치, 행동의도에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among visitors' expectation and satisfaction of the ski resort's service quality, service values, and behavioral intentions. To accomplish the purpose of this study, 900 visitors from six randomly selected ski resorts were surveyed by means of the revised questionnaires. The used statistical methods for the data analysis were frequency, factor analysis, paired samples t-test, and regression analysis by employing the SPSS 10.0 V. The results of the study were as follows: First, there were significant differences in the perception of ratings of factors between visitors's expectations and satisfactions as follows: main facilities, cost and personal service factors. Second, the satisfactions of main facilities, accessary facilities, cost and personal services factors in the ski resort's service quality significantly influenced the visitor's repurchase intention. Finally, the result of this study also indicated that service values of the ski resort's service quality significantly influenced the visitor's repurchase intention.
Key Words
service quality of ski resort, expectations, satisfactions, behavioral intention
The role of recreational park as sustainable sport facilities for the community residents 인문,사회과학편 : 지속가능한 체육기반시설을 위한 도시근린공원의 역할
강신일SinIlKang , 이철원ChulWonLee , 조민행MinHaengCho
45(2) 291-300, 2006
The role of recreational park as sustainable sport facilities for the community residents 인문,사회과학편 : 지속가능한 체육기반시설을 위한 도시근린공원의 역할
강신일SinIlKang , 이철원ChulWonLee , 조민행MinHaengCho
The purpose of this study was to review recreational park as sustainable sports facilities for the community based on an extensive review of related literature. As the Korea society and economy changed over the course of the 1980s, more people became involved in outdoor recreation. The power to establish public recreational park is generally granted to municipal governments by constitutional, statutory, or charter provisions granted by the state legislature. Although local governing bodies have certain assumed powers in this area, through the principle of general welfare clause in the federal constitution, specific legal authority is needed for them to acquire properties and to support recreation and sport. Enabling legislation may range from rather simple authorizations to fully detailed codes, including such elements as the method of acquiring and developing properties. Based on the growing concern about the role of recreational park for the residents, recreational parks should be sustainable sports facility to stimulate community-based sports programs.
Key Words
availability, sustainable sports facility, recreational park
A Study on the Ski Resort CRM Factor 인문,사회과학편 : 스키리조트 CRM 요인에 관한 연구
변경원KyoungWonByun , 김영기YoungKiKim
45(2) 301-314, 2006
A Study on the Ski Resort CRM Factor 인문,사회과학편 : 스키리조트 CRM 요인에 관한 연구
변경원KyoungWonByun , 김영기YoungKiKim
The purpose of this study is to extract customer relationship management(CRM) factor of the ski resort in Korea by investigating the corporate and customer aspect. As the method and subject of CRM factor investigation for this study, 30 practitioners working at the customer contact division of whole country 10 ski resort as panels were selected and delphi technique is applied to 24 panels who made an answer to the final third round. According to this process, CRM factor of corporate aspect is drawn out. Based on this investigated CRM, Interviews with 45 customers who visited the ski resort within the country in 2004-2005 ski seasons were done in order to examine the CRM factor of customer aspect. The ski resort CRM was extracted on the basis of both investigations. In order to treat data, the frequency analysis and kendall test were utilized using SPSSWIN Ver. 12.0. As a result, there were service factor 13 articles, information & benefit factor 18 articles, customer contact factor 6 articles, special management factor 7 articles, purchase-related help factor 9 articles, and the other factor 5 articles.
The Study on the Internet Web-Site Marketing Mix Factor and Content Analysis in Korean Professional Football Team 인문,사회과학편 : 한국프로축구단 마케팅 믹스 요소 및 일반적 항목 웹사이트 내용분석
신동윤DongYoonShin , 이성민SungMinLee
45(2) 315-326, 2006
The Study on the Internet Web-Site Marketing Mix Factor and Content Analysis in Korean Professional Football Team 인문,사회과학편 : 한국프로축구단 마케팅 믹스 요소 및 일반적 항목 웹사이트 내용분석
신동윤DongYoonShin , 이성민SungMinLee
This study is to analyze the web-site content of 13 Korean professional soccer teams to provide the essential information which improves the efficiency of the management of Korean professional soccer team ,and to examine positively the effect of web-site on the customer's acknowledgment regarding the standard item and a primary factor of marketing mix. 2 types of research procedures were used to achieve the main purpose of this study.. The following conclusion about this study was drawn blow. First of all, there were significant differences among items provided by 13 Korean professional soccer teams regarding 39 items in total which were divided into 4 marketing mix evaluation items and other factors. Second, there were somewhat significant differences among items provided by 13 Korean professional soccer teams regarding 12 evaluation items going with general standard of web-site.
Key Words
K-League, web-site, content analysis
The Influence of Advertising effect of Sports Sponsorship by Product Involvement on Corporate Image 인문,사회과학편 : 제품 속성에 따른 스포츠 스폰서십 광고효과가 기업이미지에 미치는 영향
45(2) 327-336, 2006
The Influence of Advertising effect of Sports Sponsorship by Product Involvement on Corporate Image 인문,사회과학편 : 제품 속성에 따른 스포츠 스폰서십 광고효과가 기업이미지에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of advertisement effect of sports sponsorship on corporate image by classifying production type . The subjects of this study were collected among the male and female university student who belonged to university located in Seoul. Subjects were chosen by convenience sampling method after choosing five universities located in Seoul. 398 out of the 500 questionnaires were analyzed with SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 5.0 version for this study. The results of this study were as following. Firstly, product advertisement of high-rational involvement had positive effect on advertisement attitude, product attitude. Secondly, product advertisement of high-sensitivity involvement had positive effect on advertisement attitude, product attitude. Thirdly, product advertisement of low-rational involvement had positive effect on product attitude. Lastly, product advertisement of low-sensitivity involvement had positive effect on advertisement attitude, product attitude.
Key Words
advertisement effect, corporate image
A Study on the influence of Life style characteristics of consumers in sports centers to repurchase intention factors 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠센터 고객의 라이프스타일 특성이 재구매환경요인에 미치는 영향
엄대영DaeYoungUm , 김장환JangHwanKim , 류동균DongGyunRyu
45(2) 337-346, 2006
A Study on the influence of Life style characteristics of consumers in sports centers to repurchase intention factors 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠센터 고객의 라이프스타일 특성이 재구매환경요인에 미치는 영향
엄대영DaeYoungUm , 김장환JangHwanKim , 류동균DongGyunRyu
This study aims to analyze the influence of life style characteristics of consumers in sports centers to repurchase intention factors. Samples for this study are 22 centers located in Seoul and 6 metropolitan cities and systematic stratified cluster random sampling is used. Question sheets of 1,059 persons are valid samples except 41 sheets. Reliability of measuring tool is between .6686 and .8818. Multiple regression analysis is performed for data analysis. Life style characteristics such as health, fashion, inside, pleasure, conservation and reasonableness influence to repurchase factors based on following categories respectively. Inside, pleasure, conservation and reasonableness influence to leader's factor meaningfully. Reasonableness, fashion, pleasure and health influence to program factor meaningfully. Fashion, inside, pleasure and conservation influence to cleanness factor meaningfully. Fashion, conservation, inside, pleasure and health influence to facility factor meaningfully. Fashion, inside, reasonableness, pleasure, conservation and health influence to confidence factor meaningfully.
Key Words
Life style characteristics, repurchase intention factors
The relation of brand awareness, association and brand equity for professional baseball teams 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구팀 브랜드 인지, 연상 및 브랜드자산의 관계
45(2) 347-357, 2006
The relation of brand awareness, association and brand equity for professional baseball teams 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구팀 브랜드 인지, 연상 및 브랜드자산의 관계
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship among the component factors of professional baseball team brand equity. The subjects of this study was the group that information connected with professional baseball game and the spectator group. For those sheet, judged to be insincere and to be unsuitable for the purpose of this study, and were missing questions excluded. SPSS 12.0 for window statistics package and AMOS 4.0 for window statistics package were used for data analysis. The component factors of brand equity was brand awareness, brand association(brand difference, organization evaluation, nostalgia). The goodness of the model was confirmed by data analysis and then the hypotheses testing were conducted. The findings are as follows: Firstly, brand awareness did have a significant effect on brand difference, organization evaluation, brand equity. Secondly, brand difference did have a significant effect on organization evaluation, brand equity. Thirdly, nostalgia, organization evaluation did have a significant effect on brand equity.
The Effect of the Ski Resort`s Environment-friendly Image on Visitors` Satisfaction, Word-of-mouth Intention, Revisit and Loyalty 인문,사회과학편 : 스키장 친환경이미지가 방문객 만족도, 구전의도, 재방문, 충성도에 미치는 영향
김학신HakShinKim , 김현경HyunKyungKim
45(2) 359-369, 2006
The Effect of the Ski Resort`s Environment-friendly Image on Visitors` Satisfaction, Word-of-mouth Intention, Revisit and Loyalty 인문,사회과학편 : 스키장 친환경이미지가 방문객 만족도, 구전의도, 재방문, 충성도에 미치는 영향
김학신HakShinKim , 김현경HyunKyungKim
This study was intended to investigate the effect of the recently highlighted natural environment on travellers' satisfaction, word-of-mouth intention, revisit and loyalty. First, it was found that there was a need to attempt sustained image marketing by developing the natural-environment image of F&B facilities, amenities and parking facilities to enter the market for old people. And it was found that there was a need to develop the natural-environment image of the lodging facility to attract housewives and that there was a need to develop and operate the natural-environment image of amenities and parking facilities to attack the market of high income. Second, it was found that there was a need to enhance the environment-friendly image of the lodging facility and employees' environment-friendly image to raise satisfaction and that there was a need to enhance the environment-friendly image of the lodging and F&B facilities and employees' environment-friendly image to raise their word-of-mouth intention. And it was found that there was a need to enhance the environment-friendly image of the lodging facility and employees' environment-friendly image to raise satisfaction to raise revisit and loyalty.
The Effects of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Service Loyalty in Yoga Center 인문,사회과학편 : 요가센터의 서비스품질이 고객만족도와 서비스충성도에 미치는 영향
45(2) 371-381, 2006
The Effects of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Service Loyalty in Yoga Center 인문,사회과학편 : 요가센터의 서비스품질이 고객만족도와 서비스충성도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among service quality, customer satisfaction, and service loyalty in yoga center. To make this research more reliable and accomplish its purpose, customer satisfaction and service loyalty survey using the convenience & quota sampling method were conducted upon 337 people who were randomly selected from 5 different Yoga centers located in Seoul, Gyunggi. The data was analyzed by the frequency analysis, Reliability analysis, factor analysis and multiple regression analysis in accordance with the purpose of the study by using SPSS Version 12.0. The main findings of this study were as follows: First, three service quality factors out of six , such as trainer, reliability understanding had significant effect on customer satisfaction. Secondly, all service quality factors(trainer, reliability, understanding, facility, courtesy, and accessibility) had significant effect on service loyalty. Thirdly, the consumer satisfaction in Yoga center had significant effect on service loyalty.
Key Words
service quality, customer satisfaction, service Loyalty, yoga center
A Comparative Study on the Brand Equity in Sport Product 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 제품 브랜드자산의 비교 연구
45(2) 383-393, 2006
A Comparative Study on the Brand Equity in Sport Product 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 제품 브랜드자산의 비교 연구
The purpose of this study is to develop and test the sport brand equity measurement, utilizing Yim & Chang(2005) Sport Brand Equity Model. Data were collected by using convenience sampling method 256 responded to the questionnaire and 225 surveys were returned usable for the analysis. With this samples, confirmatory factor analysis using LISREL Ver 8.50 and descriptives analysis, multivariate analysis of variance were made using SPSS Ver 11.01. The factors of brand equity, awareness, value, personality, perceived quality, marketing activity and loyalty, was reconfirmed as key factors in formation of brand equity of sport product(NIKE, ADIDAS, PRO-SPECS, LECAF). Thus, the evaluation of brand equity sport product based on the factors of brand equity ranked NIKE in first place followed by ADIDAS, PRO-SPECS and LECAF. This study emphasizes the importance of brand equity management in order to enhance the brand awareness, value, personality, perceived quality, marketing activity and loyalty of sport product.
Review of Finding on Ulsan Crane Dance 인문,사회과학편 : 울산 학춤 고(攷)
45(2) 395-406, 2006
Review of Finding on Ulsan Crane Dance 인문,사회과학편 : 울산 학춤 고(攷)
The purpose of this study was to raise the value of preservation of Korean Folk Crane Dance and to contribute to the succession of traditional crane dances, by establishing academic background for crane dances. This paper attempts to find out birthplace of traditional cranes dances, examining and analyzing the literatures on the origin of Korean Crane Dances and its history of succession. The study focused on the theoretical backgrounds about the traditional cranes dances, but the documentary records and literatures on traditional cranes dances are few, so this paper studied on mainly based on interview, on-the-spot surveys and the words from skill-holders. The results of this study were as follows. The Ulsan Crane Dance has its origin in the guardian spirit of Mt. Yungbyeon or the myth of the spirit of Gyebyeon Castle. The cranes carved on the square stones at Cheonjeon-ri, Ulsan and in Mt. Nae-o located along the river side of Thaehwa were the only proof of its origin. It was transformed into temple crane dances, symbolizing the formation in cranes' life pattern, in Thaehwa Temple and Baegyang Temple, Which were still succeeded by the monks in those temples. Therefore it was necessary to publicize nation-widely that the origin of Korean traditional crane dances was Ulsan Crane Dance. And also systematic educational program was needed to succeed this precious cultural heritage.
Key Words
Ulsan Crane Dance, Gyebyeon Castle, cultural heritage
The Effects of a Dance Breathing Training on Upper body during Korean Dancing 인문,사회과학편 : 춤 호흡 훈련이 한국 춤 동작에서 상체 움직임에 미치는 영향
이경화KyungHwaLee , 박기자KiJaPark , 김은정EunJungKim
45(2) 407-416, 2006
The Effects of a Dance Breathing Training on Upper body during Korean Dancing 인문,사회과학편 : 춤 호흡 훈련이 한국 춤 동작에서 상체 움직임에 미치는 영향
이경화KyungHwaLee , 박기자KiJaPark , 김은정EunJungKim
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between movements of lower extremities and breathing during the 'Dodumche' step movement. Thereby, determine the effects of basis breathing training, the researcher sampled 14 high school first graders majoring in dance but not trained for basis breathing and thereupon, trained them for basis breathing for 12 weeks. The results of this study can be summarized as follows; It was found that there were significant differences of upper body centroidal movement before and after the basis breathing training. There were significant differences of forward body bending on the X axis before and after the basis breathing training. There were significant differences of outward leg movement on the Y axis before and after the basis breathing training. It was disclosed that there were no significant differences of body movement on the Z axis before and after the basis breathing training. Lastly, it is hoped that this study will be followed up by future studies which will research into the Korean dance training terminology for training the Korean dance students as well as into the muscular movements generated by breathing.
Key Words
basis breathing, body centroid movement, body movement, angular displacement
Anaysis of research trends and future direction in male dancer-related studies 인문,사회과학편 : 남성무용가관련 연구경향과 과제
45(2) 417-424, 2006
Anaysis of research trends and future direction in male dancer-related studies 인문,사회과학편 : 남성무용가관련 연구경향과 과제
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the research trends and problems in male dancers-based stydies in Korea in order to suggest the future direction of research in male dancers. A total of 195 studies conducted in korea during last 25 years were collected. All studies were evaluated and categorized according to publication year, publication types, research area and topic, methodology, and research subject. Frequent analysis and content analysis were used for aan analytic tool. The result indicated that the size of studies on male dancer was progresively increased in order of mater theses(81.5%), articles(17.4%0 and doctoral dissertations(1.25) since the late 1980s, . With regard to research area and subjects, most studies were focused on aesthetic(50.7%), historical(24.6%), movement analysis(9.4%), educational aspects(3.1%). Major esearch method were aesthtic inquiry(56.4%), historical research(27.2%), literature review(5.1%), qualitative research(3.1%). Ballet dancers were major topic of studies . Based on the results, future direction of research regarding to research area and topic, application of methodology, and field-oriented study was sugested.
Key Words
male dancer, research trends, dance
Relationship among Role Stress, Job Burnout and Moderating Effect of Coping Strategy in Professional Dancers 인문,사회과학편 : 직업무용수의 역할스트레스와 직무탈진 관계에서 대처전략의 중재 효과 분석
45(2) 425-435, 2006
Relationship among Role Stress, Job Burnout and Moderating Effect of Coping Strategy in Professional Dancers 인문,사회과학편 : 직업무용수의 역할스트레스와 직무탈진 관계에서 대처전략의 중재 효과 분석
The purpose of this study was to examine relationship between role stress and job burnout of the professional dancers and analyze moderating effect of coping strategy. The subjects were 148 professional Ballet and Korean classic dancers. The subjects completed role stress inventory, job burnout inventory, and coping inventory. Collected data were analyzed using correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. Data were analyzed through SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 5.0. Statistical significance level was set α=.05. Moderating effect of coping strategy were analyzed through method suggested by Arnold's (1982) sub-group correlation analysis procedure. The results were as followings. Firstly, role stress positively affected job burnout of the professional dancers. Secondly, coping strategy has buffering effects between role stress and job burnout of the professional dancers. This results suggested that education program of coping strategy is necessary for health promotion and peroformance improvement. Limitations of this study and future implications were discussed.
Key Words
role stress, job burnout, coping strategy
A Case Study of Audience`s Reactions to a New Performance Technique Fusing Dance and Drama 인문,사회과학편 : 댄스드라마 공연기법에 대한 관객반응 사례연구
최준명JunMyungChoi , 손천택CheonTaikSon
45(2) 437-447, 2006
A Case Study of Audience`s Reactions to a New Performance Technique Fusing Dance and Drama 인문,사회과학편 : 댄스드라마 공연기법에 대한 관객반응 사례연구
최준명JunMyungChoi , 손천택CheonTaikSon
The purpose of this research is to get a concept of 'Dance Drama', a new technique which fused dance and drama into one. And another purpose is to sound the hereafter chances through recognitions and reactions of people who have seen a Dance Drama. To attain suggested purpose the researcher chose 4 people, who have seen a new style of performance fused dance and drama as participants and collected informations through in-depth interview with them. The collected information has been analyzed inductively into under categories. To confirm veracity and confidence of the data, three methods of verifying the collected informations were adopted: Discussing colleagues confident in qualitative research methods, member checking and triangulation. As a result of Participant's reactions turned out to be various, according to their motive of watching a performance and difference of perception. To arouse sympathy through Dance Drama they were attempting communication with agents by using their imagination, showing affirmative attitude towards the new technique, and were having anticipation on it.
Key Words
performance art, dance drama, fusion art
A Study of Developing Marketing Strategy for Attracting Audience of Dance Performance 인문,사회과학편 : 무용공연예술 관객개발을 위한 마케팅 전략
45(2) 449-459, 2006
A Study of Developing Marketing Strategy for Attracting Audience of Dance Performance 인문,사회과학편 : 무용공연예술 관객개발을 위한 마케팅 전략
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between marketing of dance performance and repurchase intention and thus to provide" marketing strategies to attract dance performance audience. Especially, this study dealt with marketing 4Fs and Customer Relation Management factors that can be used for dance performance planners to activate the industry. In order to accomplish such purpose of study, this study utilized a survey method. Questionnaires used in this study were developed on the basis of previous research and modified to reflect the context of the study. Then, to check for validity and reliability, both content validity by a panel of experts and internal consistency by Cronbach’s a were confirmed prior to data analysis. With a total of 802 spectators as subjects, multiple regression analysis was conducted and following results were derived as follows. Among marketing factors, artistry, performers’ variety, levels of content understanding convenience and cleanness, print media and street advertising, price variability and purchase price had significant effects on repurchase intention And, personnel kindness among CRM factors had significant effects on repurchase intention Accordingly, based on findings of study, specific marketing strategies were suggested for the dance performance industry.
Key Words
performance arts industry, marketing, repurchasing, spectator development
The Relationship between Coping Strategy of the University Students Majoring Dance and Major Statisfaction 인문,사회과학편 : 무용전공자의 스트레스 대처방식과 전공만족과의 관계
송원익WonIkSong , 강경모KyungMoKang
45(2) 461-469, 2006
The Relationship between Coping Strategy of the University Students Majoring Dance and Major Statisfaction 인문,사회과학편 : 무용전공자의 스트레스 대처방식과 전공만족과의 관계
송원익WonIkSong , 강경모KyungMoKang
The purpose of this study was to examine relationships between stress coping strategy of university students majoring dance and major satisfaction. The subjects were 165 university students majoring dance. The subjects completed the coping stategy inventory and satisfaction Questionnaire. The data were analyzed by SPSS 12.0 Package and AMOS 5.0. The results of this study were as follows. Firstly, university students majoring dance used more emotion-oriented coping strategy and social support. Also, university students majoring dance used less hope seeking thought, task-oriented coping strategy. Secondly, task-oriented coping strategy positively related to class satisfaction and professor satisfaction. Social support coping positively related to class satisfaction. Emotion-oriented coping strategy and hope seeking thought negatively related to class satisfaction and professor satisfaction. Limitations of this study and future implications were discussed.
The sleep patterns were examined during the open-sea 190-m heliox saturation dives. The actigraph of 5 divers was recorded for a total of 55 nights, as were patterns of change in sleep variables. The results of the one-way ANOVA, among the experimental days, showed significant effects in total sleep time, sleep period time, sleep efficiency, sleep latency, length of daytime naps, and number of daytime naps. Total sleep time in accordance with the sleep latency, sleep period time, and sleep efficiency was significantly shortened through the second day of the bottom period to the decompression period. An increase of the wake after sleep onset and the number of awakenings were observed through the second day of the bottom period to the decompression period. However, wake after sleep onset and the number of awakenings showed no significant effect among the experimental days. A significant increase of the length and the number of daytime naps was observed through the second day of the bottom period to the decompression period. The multiple linear regression analysis with stepwise method was applied to assess the correlations between the length of daytime naps as the dependent variable and the nocturnal sleep parameters as the independent variables. SL only showed a significant positive correlation with length of daytime naps.
We investigated the effect of short-term treatment with a-lipoic acid on MDA and caspase-3 activity, DNA fragmentation, a measure of apoptosis, in heart muscle during exhaustive treadmill exercise. Forty male SD rats were randomized to a-lipoic acid administration group(n=20) and control group(n=20). a-lipoic acid(100mg/kg; Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA; vehicle=corn oil) was administered orally every day for 5 days. Exercise consisted of a single treadmill bout(28-30m/min, grade 5%) condition. MDA concentration was significantly lower in the a-lipoic acid administration group compared to the control group in exercise 30min, post-exercise. Caspase-3 activity was significantly lower in the a-lipoic acid administration group compared to the control group in post-exercise, recovery 3hour. Also, we show that the attenuation of DNA fragmentation by a-lipoic acid administration. The results suggest that exhaustive treadmill exercise are associated with greater apoptosis in heart, as measured by caspase-3 activity and DNA fragmentation. But a-lipoic acid administration reduces the lipid peroxidation and inhibits the caspase-3 activity and DNA damage in heart.
Key Words
α-Lipoic acid, caspase-3, DNA fragmentation, apoptosis
Relationship between eating habits, physical fitness and cardiovascular risk factors in middle-aged men 자연과학편 : 중년 남성의 식습관, 체력 및 심혈관계 위험인자의 관련성
45(2) 491-501, 2006
Relationship between eating habits, physical fitness and cardiovascular risk factors in middle-aged men 자연과학편 : 중년 남성의 식습관, 체력 및 심혈관계 위험인자의 관련성
The objective of this study was to estimate the relation of eating habits, physical fitness and cardiovascular risk factors in middle-aged men. The subjects of this study were eighty one males with aged ranged between 33 and 58 years old(42.1±5.3years). The life style was tested by a questionnaire. Anthropometry, body composition test, blood pressure, serum cholesterol levels, and physical fitness test were measured. There were significant relationships between body weight and body mass index, between body weight and percent of body fat, between body mass index and percent of body fat. Cardiovascular risk factors were significantly related with body weight, body mass index, percent of body fat, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, fasting glucose, eating habits scores, and muscular endurance levels. In summary, the present study was demonstrated that obesity indices were significantly correlated with cardiovascular risk factors. Also, there were reverse relationships between eating habits and cardiovascular risk factors. But there were not significant relationships between eating habits and physical fitness factors.
Key Words
eating habits, physical fitness, cardiovascular risk factors, middle-aged men
Effects of combined training and ACE polymorphism on risk factors of metabolic syndrome in the older women 자연과학편 : 복합트레이닝과 ACE 유전자 다형성이 후기 고령여성의 대사증후군 위험인자에 미치는 영향
박상갑SangKabPark , 김은희EunHeeKim
45(2) 503-514, 2006
Effects of combined training and ACE polymorphism on risk factors of metabolic syndrome in the older women 자연과학편 : 복합트레이닝과 ACE 유전자 다형성이 후기 고령여성의 대사증후군 위험인자에 미치는 영향
박상갑SangKabPark , 김은희EunHeeKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of combined training and ACE polymorphism on risk factors of metabolic syndrome in the older women. Subjects were consisted of twenty older women (Control ; 10, Exercise ; 10) whose aged was over 75 yrs and diagnosed according to the ATP III criteria. The combined training program included stretching, resistance training the aerobic exercise composed by weight bearing exercise and the yoga for 12 weeks. Present study determined the ACE genotype using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and the genetic subtype was classified by three patterns e.g. II, ID, DD, and then O2 peak and risk factors of metabolic syndrome were compared among genotype. The waist circumference, blood pressure, TG and blood glucose were significantly decreased(p<.01) but HDL-C was significantly increased in combined training group(p<.05). Therefore, these results suggested that combined training would be a positive role for risk factors of metabolic syndrome by aging. ACE genotype might be used as a predictor which may affect O2 peak, and lean body mass in older women.
Key Words
combined training, ACE polymorphism, metabolic syndrome, older women
Effects of Pilates Matwork Method on Health-Related Fitness and Muscular Band System in the Middle-Aged Women`s 자연과학편 : Weight Training 실시 기간이 남자고교생의 골대사 마커에 미치는 영향
최재현JaeHyunChoi , 양점홍JumHongYang , 박원익WonIkPark
45(2) 515-526, 2006
Effects of Pilates Matwork Method on Health-Related Fitness and Muscular Band System in the Middle-Aged Women`s 자연과학편 : Weight Training 실시 기간이 남자고교생의 골대사 마커에 미치는 영향
최재현JaeHyunChoi , 양점홍JumHongYang , 박원익WonIkPark
This study was to investigate the effects of effectiveness of weight training period in male high school students. Subjects participated in the experiment were consisted in 4weeks, 8weeks and 12weeks exercise group of weight training, and control group which sampled by each 10 persons who were intentionally selected totally 40 participants without significant difference on birth from second grade. The application of weight training program to the subjects was performed according to 50~60minutes, 70~80%RM, and 3times a week during 12 weeks. Variation of osteocalcin (OC), alkaline phosphatase(ALP), and deoxypyridinoline(DPD) among groups were analyzed with blood test. The conclusion obtained from the above was as follows; 1) 8weeks, 12weeks exercise group are superior to other groups in the increment of OC as RT's period is become longer. 8weeks, 12weeks exercise group are superior to 4weeks exercise group, control group after 8weeks, and 12weeks group is superior to 4weeks, 8weeks, and control group after 12weeks on variation of OC alone. 2) The quantitative increment of ALP in 8weeks, 12weeks are superior to preliminary and 4weeks in 12weeks exercise group, which is also superior to 4weeks, 8weeks, and control group after 12weeks on analyzed data of ALP. 3) The reduction of DPD to preliminary is inferior to 4weeks, 8weeks, and 12weeks periods in 12weeks exercise group alone. 8weeks exercise group is superior to 4weeks, control group after 12weeks. And 12weeks exercise group is superior to 8weeks exercise group after same duration.
Key Words
resistance training, bone mineral density, osteocalcin, alkaline phosphatase, deoxypyridinoline, biochemical bone markers
The effects of Lumbar exercise program on pain relief and muscle function for patients with the chronic Low back pain 자연과학편 : 요부 운동 프로그램이 만성요통환자들의 통증완화와 근기능에 미치는 영향
권휘련HwiRyunKwon , 이종하JongHaLee , 박은영EunYoungPark
45(2) 527-536, 2006
The effects of Lumbar exercise program on pain relief and muscle function for patients with the chronic Low back pain 자연과학편 : 요부 운동 프로그램이 만성요통환자들의 통증완화와 근기능에 미치는 영향
권휘련HwiRyunKwon , 이종하JongHaLee , 박은영EunYoungPark
The purpose of this study was to prove the influence of flexor & extensor strengthening exercise on the physical strength factors and pain in patients with chronic low back pain. Following approval by the boardman, 31 low back pains were divided into three groups: 13 were in the flexor self-exercise program(Willima's exercise), 10 were in the extensor self-exercise program(McKenzie exercise) and 8 were in control group. Two self-exercise groups were performed the flexor or extensor exercise for 8 weeks. The experimental data were analyzed by statistical method paired t-test and all statistical test in this study were conducted at the .05 level of significance. As the above results, the flexor and extensor self-exercise program for chronic low back pain patients are very effective on increasing strength and flexibility and decreasing pain . Therefore, it will be necessary to find out better exercise programs for low back pain patients to achieve improvement of strength and flexibility, relief of pain with individually as well as to have continuous education and conformation so that it becomes part of their lives.
Key Words
Low back pain, exercise
Effects of Carnitine Supplementation with Aerobic Exercise on Percent Body Fat, Blood Lipid, and Leptin in College Females 자연과학편 : 유산소 운동시 Carnitine 섭취가 여자 대학생의 체지방율, 혈중 지질 및 Leptin 함량에 미치는 영향
Effects of Carnitine Supplementation with Aerobic Exercise on Percent Body Fat, Blood Lipid, and Leptin in College Females 자연과학편 : 유산소 운동시 Carnitine 섭취가 여자 대학생의 체지방율, 혈중 지질 및 Leptin 함량에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of carnitine supplementation with aerobic exercise on percent body fat, blood lipid, and leptin in college females. 21 college females were randomly assigned to one of three groups, i.e., GroupI(n=7):placebo(6g/day); GroupII(n=7):carnitine(3g/day)+placebo(3g/day); GroupIII(n=7):carnitine (6g/day) with aerobic exercise for 6 weeks. For aerobic exercise, they performed treadmill exercise(60-90%HRmax, 3-5d/w, 20-30min/d). Analysis of covariance, analysis of multiple correlation and analysis of simple regression were used to determine the statistical significance. There were no significant differences in percent body fat, blood lipid, and leptin. In conclusion, 6 week-experiment period might not be long enough to observe the effect of the carnitine supplementation on percent body fat, blood lipid, and leptin. In addition to extension of the experiment time, exercise types, carnitine dosage and training status of individuals are considered as the logical extension of the current research.
Key Words
carnitine, aerobic exercise, college female
Effects of Pilates Matwork Method on Health-Related Fitness and Muscular Band System in the Middle-Aged Women`s 자연과학편 : Pilates Matwork이 중년여성의 건강관련체력과 근대계에 미치는 영향
홍순미SoonMiHong , 양점홍JumHongYang , 최재현JaeHyunChoi
45(2) 545-556, 2006
Effects of Pilates Matwork Method on Health-Related Fitness and Muscular Band System in the Middle-Aged Women`s 자연과학편 : Pilates Matwork이 중년여성의 건강관련체력과 근대계에 미치는 영향
홍순미SoonMiHong , 양점홍JumHongYang , 최재현JaeHyunChoi
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Pilates matwork method on health related fitness, muscular band system and endocrine. Subjects were 30 middle-aged women, and divided group into 17 pilates matwork group and 13 control group. The pilates matwork group executed 50~60min/day, 5days/week during 15weeks, and test item were health-related fitness components and muscular band system. The results of this study were as follows; 1) 1,600m walk/run and modified sit-ups were improved more than pre test's value in pilates matwork group, but control group was decreased more than pre test in 1,600m walk/run and modified sit-ups, respectively, and pilates matwork group improved in sit-and-reach test. %fat and WHR were increased but LBM was decreased more than pre test's value in control group. In BMI, Pilates matwork group was more higher than control group significantly. 2) Muscular band system; Angle of deformed CV was decreased significantly and corrected rate showed 62.5% in Pilates matwork group. According to this result, pilates matwork is more useful to exercise method for improving health-related fitness and muscular band system.
Key Words
Pilates matwork, health-related fitness components, muscular band system
Validity of RPE as the standard of exercise intensity 자연과학편 : 운동강도 척도(RPE)의 운동강도 기준으로서의 타당도 검사
김도윤DoYounKim , 노승수SeungSooNoh , 김병준ByoungJunKim
45(2) 557-568, 2006
Validity of RPE as the standard of exercise intensity 자연과학편 : 운동강도 척도(RPE)의 운동강도 기준으로서의 타당도 검사
김도윤DoYounKim , 노승수SeungSooNoh , 김병준ByoungJunKim
The first purpose of this study was to examine the validity of the Borg's RPE scale translated in Korean according to the relative language expression, and to investigate how the physical responses were different at the ratings of perceived exertion 13, 15 scale according to the subjects' fitness, carrier and so on. For the primary purpose of relation among heart rate, RPE and language expression, 8 subjects participated graded exercise test. For the latter purpose, other 16 subjects joined who were in their twenties or thirties. during the tests, we checked the all response at RPE 13, 15 then we analyzed these data by dividing the groups according their characteristics. As the result of first test, there were significant positive relation between the point of language expression and RPE at 2, 9 stage. Between RPE and heart rate had positive relation at 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, end stage. On the second result, there was significant difference in O2 at RPE 13 and 15 according to the body fat and at RPE 15 in RER. Additionally according to the BMI was different in %O2max, heart rate and duration at RPE 13, moreover O2 and duration at RPE 15. It may be possible to lead the various interpretation even though same word by relatively different level in language expression. In addition, results indicated that physical intensity at RPE 13 and 15 might differ according to the subjects' various condition such as body fat, BMI and ages, therefore as the exercise prescription, from RPE 13 to 15 should be modified with the consideration of subject's BMI, ages and body fat.
Key Words
RPE, Korean Language expression
The Kinematic Analysis of the Tkatchev Motion on the Horizontal Bar 자연과학편 : 철봉 드가체프 동작의 운동학적 분석
이종훈ChongHoonLee , 백진호JinHoBack
45(2) 569-578, 2006
The Kinematic Analysis of the Tkatchev Motion on the Horizontal Bar 자연과학편 : 철봉 드가체프 동작의 운동학적 분석
이종훈ChongHoonLee , 백진호JinHoBack
The purpose of this study was done in order to investigate the Kinematical variables of the Tkatchev Stretched motion on the Horizontal bar using the 3-dimensional cinematographic method. For this study, Four excellent athletes take part in a 2003 Daegue universid game were chosen. The subject,s Tkatchev Stretched motion was filmed with S-VHS camera at the speed of 60 fields per second and digitized the each fields before the start the handstand motion to landing. And the Kwon3D 3.1 version program was employed to obtain 3-dimensional data. The swing phase was required a short time to gain a strong propulsive force and the flight phase was needed longer time to perform better performance. Hip joint should gain the maximum velocity in a circular motion through reducing moment arm to the center of bar, meanwhile the height of center of mass should adequately maintain vertical distance from the bar in the flight phase.
The Effects of Basis Training for Korean Dance Breathing on Lower Extremities 자연과학편 : 한국무용 동작에서 호흡기본 훈련이 하지 관절에 미치는 영향
45(2) 579-591, 2006
The Effects of Basis Training for Korean Dance Breathing on Lower Extremities 자연과학편 : 한국무용 동작에서 호흡기본 훈련이 하지 관절에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between movements of lower extremities and breathing during the 'Dodumche' step movement. The results of this study can be summarized as follows; There were no some significant differences of supporting leg hip and knee angle before and after the basis breathing training. But no significant differences of ankle angle the supporting leg. There were no significant differences of the moment acting upon the supporting leg hip before and after the training, but the moment increased after the training. There were no significant differences of the moment acting upon the supporting leg joint before and after the training, but its resistance improved after the training. It was found that the moment acting upon the supporting leg ankle decreased significantly after the basis breathing training. Traditionally, the Korean dance training instructions do not suggest any scientific training methods for muscular or endurance improvement, unlike ballet or modern dance, but it was confirmed through this study that the time-honored breathing training for Korean dance helps to improve the muscular coordination required for the dance.
Key Words
basis breathing, body centroid movement, body movement, angular displacement, moment, maximum Load